All Categories Getting Started Zonify app for Dropshipping - How it works?

Zonify app for Dropshipping - How it works?

Sellers who decide to use Amazon as their main dropshipping source can use Zonify to import products to their Shopify store and fulfill orders using Semi-automatic order fulfillment. 

How does it work?    

  1. Install Zonify App.   

  2. Install Zonify chrome extension

  3. Import products from Amazon to your Shopify store using the Zonify extension and make sure to Markup the price (from the extension) to make a profit. 

  4. Customers place the order on your Shopify store and you need to fulfill it.
    If you subscribed to the Zonify gold plan, you will be able to use our semi-automatic order fulfillment feature, else you will need to fulfill it manually. 

  5. You are responsible for sourcing the products, deliver and provide customer support. 
    This option is great for Amazon sellers that want to sell their products on Shopify.

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